practice for 21 days

Gebet &Stille sein - 21 days
Gebet &Stille sein - 21 days


Let us unite daily as one big loving field.
We are going through an unprecedented transformation.
Many of us know that only the light, love and truth will remain, even if it looks different on the surface now.

Many of us are praying and doing their best daily to flood the collective field with positivity, hope and compassion. 


So here is our heartfelt request:

Let us unite as one force, one family, one consciousness and move together daily into the state of peace and thus into a heightened consciousness. Immersion in silence and powerful prayer will help.

Schedule: daily from 01.-21.12.21 from 20:00-20:20.

Light a light, a candle.
Sit upright.
Make sure that you are undisturbed during this time.
At the beginning invite your divine form with which you are naturally connected to be very close to you and please say the following prayer with full feeling and heart.

„Beloved Highest Light!

We pray to you.
Please help us with your grace to experience our true nature, to continue to grow and to change.
Please give us inner strength, clarity and wisdom to act in love.
Help us to experience ourselves as a single field of consciousness of love and to unconditionally follow the love in our heart.
May love, peace and connection with the highest awaken in every human being, every being (the last sentence 3x).

Thank you, thank you, thank you.“

After that, please go into silence. Connect deeply with your heart. There you will find inner peace, silence, tranquillity, love. That is your true essence. Thoughts come and go, don’t give them extra attention. Dwell in the silence for 20 minutes. If you like you can play very soft music without singing at this time.

I like to recommend: Oscar Javelot & Frank Steiner
From the album CALMA, Pt. IV

After 20min come back slowly.